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New LDN book by
Elaine Moore and
SammyJo Wilkinson
The Promise of Naltrexone

LDN in the News

Reporting on LDN around the world has picked up as more and more people have found it to be beneficial in the treatment of MS and other diseases. 

UK woman petitions government for LDN trials. Visit
  July 6 2009, Western Telegraph

Could This Powerful Breakthrough Beat Cancer and Auto-Immune Diseases?
  Mercola Interviews Dr. Berkson on Low Dose Naltrexone
  Note: ALA is available as a dietary supplement in tablet form, but the therapy Dr. Berkson (contact) has pioneered involves ALA via infusion therapy. If you can't see him personally in NM, email me if you need assistance finding a licensed practitioner in your area, familiar with IV therapy. 

Cancer patient begs for drug - 13 May 2009, The Echo

Stanford pilot: Low-Dose Naltrexone Reduces the Symptoms of Fibromyalgia
- April 2009
  Interview with Stanford researchers   TV News Report WWLTV

Interview: Burt Berkson, MD, PhD, Talks With Honest Medicine About
    His Work With Alpha Lipoic Acid and Low Dose Naltrexone

  Interviewed by Julia Schopick  Mar '09 for

More Than a Magic Bullet: Low Dose Naltrexone
  Article by Elaine Moore for EMaxHealth

2009 LDN Patient Tracking Database for all diseases. Post your results!
   MS survey matches SammyJo's 2004 survey for comparison.
   This is no longer "just anecdotes" - this is Patient Based Evidence!
   Read Julia Schopick's "Anecdotal" Series: Six Articles

Naltrexone Therapy for Heroin Addiction, Alcohol Addiction, Immune Disorders and HIV April 16, 2009 by Shey Marque
  "Naltrexone is rapidly becoming one of the world's most valuable resources in terms of restoring health in a large variety of diseases"

LDN commentary by Yash Agrawal, MD
  Dec 20, Dr. Agrawal adds some further thoughts to the his hypothesis on LDN for MS, published in 2005. And comments on the new LDN book, for which he wrote the foreward.

Low Dose Naltrexone for Gulf War Syndrome
  Article by Elaine Moore

A Case of Remission from Crohn's Disease. By Jeffrey Dach MD

Low-dose naltrexone for disease prevention and quality of life
  Nov 26, Brown N, Panksepp J., Medical Hypotheses. Overview of current trials and theories on how LDN benefits a wide variety of illnesses.

Glutamate Excess in Multiple Sclerosis Variants: Why LDN Offers Benefits
  11/3/08 Elaine Moore reports on new research from Mayo Clinic that supports

Four LDN Studies Presented at the 2008 MS World Congress Meeting  
Sept 22nd, Elaine Moore reports on the important MS/LDN studies at Penn State and University of California.

Low Dose Naltrexone: Hope for PPMS  
Sept 18th, Maija Haavisto reports on the Italian human trial 6 month report.

Daily Mail reports another positive LDN story for MS  
Aug 25th The Daily Mail, London


CBS Newscast About Low Dose Naltrexone
May 26th Dr. Max Gomez of CBS-TV interviews an MS patient, pharmacist and Dr. Gluck about the effectiveness of LDN for MS and other conditions.

Wonder Drug: LDN has potential to help tens-of-thousands of patients with diseases like Crohn's, multiple sclerosis, Lupus, parkinson's and even HIV. (News interviews with Dr. Ian Zagon and Dr. Jill Smith, LDN researchers at Penn State) Print version to show your doctor.
May 21th By Ali Gorman, RN -ABC News affiliate in Hershey Pennsylvania


Fox 40 TV news in Sacramento interviews Vicki Finlayson at the Capitol, May 19th

Focus on Low Dose Naltrexone: Vicki Finlayson's March to the California State Capitol
  May 18 2008  By Elaine Moore,

A promising MS drug has her walkin' - Vicki Finlayson says LDN has her walking strongly again
  May 16 2008  Sacramento Bee, Front Page

Capitol Stride: Lake of the Pines woman walking 53 miles to promote MS drug 
Additional pictures of Vicki Finlayson's LDN walk
May 16 2008  Auburn Journal, Front Page

Vicki Finlayson Interview: LDN Awareness Walk,
by Trevor Jones, May 12th  KFBK News Talk Radio, Sacramento

Four Lifesaving Medical Treatments:  Not So "Anecdotal," After All!
  May 2008  By Julia Schopick,
    Review of little known but effective medical protocols, including LDN.

New drug fights Parkinson’s disease Destiny Marquez story on LDN effectiveness for Parkinson's
Mar 17, 2008 By Lee Beach, Herald and News (Klamath Falls, OR)

TV News Report on MS and LDN
Feb 2008  Jacksonville, SC

 Cancer treatment triggers body's immune system
Feb 07 2008  By Dr. Melanie Bone, Special to The Palm Beach Post

Miracle Drug Gives Chronic Patients Hope
Feb 2008 The CW Arkansas 

Low-Dose Naltrexone (LDN) and MS
Jan 2008 By Ronald Hoffman, MD and Skip Lenz, Pharm D FASCP  
nal of the United Spinal Association

Scottish doctor is raising money to fund LDN drug trial for MS
June 25 2007  The Herald, Scotland

Patient Advocates with Multiple Sclerosis Fund Clinical Trial of Promising Drug that has Already Helped Thousands
  Feb 2007 

MedInsight(SM) Announces Clinical Trial Results of Low-dose Naltrexone; Potential Breakthrough for Crohn's Disease Patients 
  DOVER, Del., Jan 30 2007

Firefighters help one of their own
  Sept 2006  Sylacauga Daily Home

Penn State awarded $500,000 for further LDN research
  May 2006

Vicki Finlayson tells her LDN success story
  Apr 2006  Auburn Journal

Drug stops multiple sclerosis - but sufferers can't get it  
  Nov 2005 Medical Condition News

LDN Update from Multiple Sclerosis Foundation  
  Oct 2005  

This drug could help MS victims... but they can’t get it  
  Oct 2005 The Herald, Scotland

June 2005 LDN Conference Press Release  
  Feb 2005 Urges the FDA and MS Societies to initiate LDN research.

LDN Resolution Before the Vermont Legislators 
  Feb 2005 Urges the FDA and MS Societies to initiate LDN research.

Interview with LDN researcher Dr. Agrawal 
  Jan 2005 Interviewed by Robert Lester, published by the Boston Cure Project

TV Health news reporter interviews LDN patient
  July 22-04  Station CFPL, London, Ontario Canada

MS sufferers campaign for drug aid
  May 21-04  EDP24 Online, Scotland

Calls for the radical treatment
  May 18-04  The Irish Times, Ireland

Drug offers hope for MS patients
  May 15-04  Brattleborro Reformer, USA

MS experimental drug 'could save state millions of euro'
  May 10-04  Sunday Business Post, Ireland

Coping With an Unprofitable Cure
  May 01-04  Columbia Spectator, USA

LDN Article
  April 12-04  The Herald, Scotland

Campaign For Trials & Research Of LDN For Ms
  April 2004   Multiple Sclerosis Foundation Newsletter


Latest News

4th Annual LDN Conference 
Oct 2008 
Tell local reporters about your experience with LDN!

Send LDN News Items to SammyJo


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