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The Promise of Low Dose Naltrexone Therapy

New LDN book by
Elaine Moore and
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What Happens After Low Dose Naltrexone?

LDN appears to have halted my MS disease progression. This has given me a chance to finally make progress on repair and recovery after years of damage, both from MS and the drugs that were supposed to treat it. Below are some of the things I've employed in recovering my body, or that have substantive research on effectiveness. 

Physical Therapies for MS 

My personal experience has been that physical therapy is essential for recovering lost functionality by restoring muscle strength & nerve conductivity. Make sure to ask if your therapist has experience with MS, and if you get private 1 on 1 sessions. I have also found CranioSacral & Feldenkrais therapy effective for neuro-rehab, balance and walking.

CranioSacral - Find A Practitioner   Feldenkrais - Find A Practitioner

  Collection of studies on exercise benefits at Accelerated Cure Project for Multiple Sclerosis.

Manual Therapies for MS 

  An interview with Dr. Erin Elster on the connection between head/neck trauma and neuro disease, and her research on chiropractic care for MS. 

Research on Supplements & Antioxidants  

  N-acetyl-L-cysteine ameliorates the inflammatory disease process in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in Lewis rats.  

  Vitamin D research for multiple sclerosis.

  Dietary supplements effective for MS
  Easing mitochondrial stress by Dr David Wheldon, Oct 2005 
  Minding My Mitochondria by Terry L. Wahls, M.D.
  Hubbard Foundation Supplements List for MS and CCSVI

  Antioxidant PEMF Technology
  PEMF energy counters free radicals, and has been studied in MS. I also used this to restore the 10 point drop in my heart function after damage from Novantrone, and it is great for MS pain management w/o drugs. I use the EMpulse, a handheld inexpensive device, more info at YesGetHealthy.

  Current Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Multiple Sclerosis
  Comprehensive analysis of all the research on MS CAM by Dr. Allen Bowling,     MD/PhD. Visit the Rocky Mountain MS Center MS-CAM site.

  Antioxidants and Patient Driven Research
  Medical professionals propose rationale for antioxidant therapy in MS.

  Essential Fatty Acids Research Harvard research, new study 04/2005.
  Vital Choice makes a very pure high quality Omega-3 supplement.

  Luteolin inhibits nitric oxide production by macrophages.
  Studies & discussion at Accelerated Cure Project for Multiple Sclerosis.
  Food Sources: artichoke leaves, celery, peppers, olive oil, lemons, peppermint,
         parsley, sage,
rosemary & thyme. 
  Supplement form available from Lutimax

  Inosine supplementation raises uric acid levels.
  Studies & discussion at Accelerated Cure Project for Multiple Sclerosis.

  Ferulic Acid counters inflammatory chemicals.

  Studies & discussion at This is MS.

  Alpha Lipoic Acid
suppresses suppresses EAE, the animal model of MS.
  Studies & discussion at Accelerated Cure Project for Multiple Sclerosis.

  Cucurmin counters several MS damage mechanisms.

  Studies & discussion at All About Multiple Sclerosis.

This is the beginning of what I hope will be an ever expanding list of research into therapies and supplements that support recovery from Multiple Sclerosis. 


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