Low Dose Naltrexone & Disability Survey Results
157 answers

This is a survey 157 users of Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for MS, who have been on it for at least 3 months. The survey assesses disability, using the Kurtzke Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS). The rating is from self assessment or a doctor. 
This is a preliminary presentation of results. Further information collected such as length of diagnosis and duration of LDN treatment will be analyzed and presented shortly.

What is your gender?
Female 94 (60.26%)
Male 62 (39.74%)

What mg dose are you taking?
Less than 2.0 mg 1 (0.64%)
2.0 - 2.9 mg 5 (3.21%)
3.0 - 4.4 mg 52 (33.33%)
4.5 mg 84 (53.85%)
More than 4.5 mg 8 (5.13%)
Variable dose pattern 6 (3.85%)

Disease progression since starting LDN?
Too soon to tell 34 (21.79%)
Better than before LDN 59 (37.82%)
Progression has stopped 55 (35.26%)
Progression has worsened 8 (5.13%)

How many relapses since starting LDN?
0 135 (86.54%)
1 16 (10.26%)
2 3 (1.92%)
3 1 (0.64%)
4 or more 1 (0.64%)

EDSS Score Before LDN After LDN
0.0 4 (2.56%) 9 (5.77%)
1.0 9 (5.77%) 20 (12.82%)
1.5 17 (10.90%) 15 (9.62%)
2.0 11 (7.05%) 15 (9.62%)
2.5 9 (5.77%) 11 (7.05%)
3.0 7 (4.49%) 7 (4.49%)
3.5 5 (3.21%) 12 (7.69%)
4.0 8 (5.13%) 3 (1.92%)
4.5 2 (1.28%) 1 (0.64%)
5.0 1 (0.64%) 7 (4.49%)
5.5 10 (6.41%) 8 (5.13%)
6.0 13 (8.33%) 8 (5.13%)
6.5 28 (17.95%) 5 (3.21%)
7.0 4 (2.56%) 3 (1.92%)
7.5 8 (5.13%) 3 (1.92%)
8.0 2 (1.28%) 2 (1.28%)
8.5 0 (0.00%) 1 (0.64%)
9.0 1 (0.64%) 1 (0.64%)
9.5 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%)
Average 7.3 5.9
Don't Know 17 (10.90%) 17 (10.90%)
The change in average EDSS is the difference between using a wheelchair and walking with a cane. Details on EDSS definitions


MS diagnosis when you started LDN?
Relapsing Remitting 80 (51.28%)
Secondary Progressive 43 (27.56%)
Progressive 17 (10.90%)
Don't know 16 (10.26%)

MS diagnosis as of today?
Relapsing Remitting 70 (44.87%)
Secondary Progressive 38 (24.36%)
Progressive 16 (10.26%)
Don't know 32 (20.51%)


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